Sunday, January 29, 2012

Clit Misanthropy

So some of you probably just read that title and were like... excuse me? Well they are the band whom I am now photographing for! That's right I am now a band photographer. That means I go to all their shows and take their pictures. They're an awesome band, great group of guys. Their music isn't for everyone and if you are into push pits then this definitely isn't the concert for you. Clit is all about hardcore moshing and screaming obscenities. Their energy is infectious and if you aren't to afraid to venture outside your comfort zone I would definitely recommend seeing these guys live if you live around the Massachusetts area. Alright now I'm sounding like a band reviewer. They are a wonderful group to take pictures of I can get a variety of poses and actions. The mosh pits are especially fun to take pictures of. I will admit there are some draw backs to photographing for them. One is the insane mosh pits that form during their set. It's really hard to get any front shots... due to the fact that I don't want my camera getting smashed or my face getting broken. Also getting close ups of these guys is especially hard seeing as they swing, thrash, and move everywhere. Although this gives an awesome variety to my shots it's hard to get as close as I'd like. I just went to my third show of their's last Friday night (haha) and I'm starting to get the hang of maneuvering around the mosh pits and the artists. Clit Misanthropy is a great group and I shall link their page below. There you can check out their music and the pictures that I've taken.

Clit's facebook page: Clit Misanthropy
Here's my flickr page where you can keep yourself updated on my pictures: click! click!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

where have i been?!

Alright so I have been away for quite a while. Well here are a couple really important things that have happened since I was here last:
  • My mohawk is now pink
  • I am school newspaper photographer
  • I am the photographer for the school website
  • I am working on getting myself an independent study in photography
  • I recently acquired a 32 GB card!!
  • I am taking in a workload far to big for one senior in high school
So that's about it. I'll be posting some pictures of my recent endeavors so stay tuned for that :)

Editing Song of the Week

Alright guys here's a song that had been playing on repeat whenever I'm sitting down editing my pictures.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

I need to take some personal notes.

I have a lot coming up in regards to photoshoots. So I'm just going to make a few notes here. It'll keep you guys updated and help me keep organized. 

  • Photoshoot with Emma this Tuesday
  • Photoshoot with Nick Saturday
  • Going to SSBT to take pictures of Nutcracker rehearsal Saturday as well
  • Photoshoot with Emma and Haley next Sunday
  • Alyssa's senior pictures either next week or the week after
Alright that's not as bad now that I've written it all down. I have to remember to stay after on Thursday to upload and edit my pictures from this weekend. So excited to edit and put them on the website. I'm so happy to be building my portfolio. I feel so grown up and it's nice to have something concrete to remind you that you are actually doing this. I'm actually getting ready for college. Yikes! 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Had a wonderful day with Hannah today. We had a fun photoshoot outside in her backyard. Can't wait to edit the batch and put them on the site. I have so many photoshoots set up for the upcoming weeks. Time to start getting my portfolio ready. Yikes!